This has got to be the longest I've stayed single for.
I once believed it was impossible for me to stay single for more than two months, I always felt the need to be with a someone. The victims were always less intelligent than I believed I was, with that up in my head it seemed easier for me to make them fall for me.
Anyway that's me drifting away from the point.
After my last relationship crumbled, I decided to take a break, well not really I never wanted to fall in "love" again, or even have anything to do with "love". The plan was to chill relax, hit one or two people up. But things never worked out as planned. No balls to step up to a new girl, and the ones I know hmmm well lets just say my reputation is not as white as snow.
9 months later, I am still single, Am I happy? No. Am I Sad? Not really.
Why? I just want to be "loved", I do not want to "love".
Well I want to "love" but there has been no one to "love".
Dear Konfirmed Yarnz help me get a female to hola @ me. Thanks in advance.
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